Operation Enduring Freedom, by Anthony J. Rankine

Anthony J. Rankine

Afghanistan can be summed up in five words:
Child slavery enforced by starvation.

I never grew up under the threat of starvation.
I never grew up with narco-corruption,
Addiction all about me.
I also never grew up in an Islamic republic,
Where all intoxicants are banned.
I never grew up feeling vexed
Because children do not vote.

I never grew up in a country
Occupied by military forces
Occupied by Hitler,
Occupied by Tojo,
Occupied by Bush,
Occupied by Obama.

A corn crop failing,
Starvation an act of nature.
Planting no corn seed,
rather opium poppy seed,
That’s not a world,
Occupied by acts of nature.

Fascism shows its demoncratic face.
Occupied by corporate-state Banksheviks.
Occupied by acts of the Overlord.
Occupied by deliberate zero-food agriculture.
Occupied by premeditated starvation.
Occupied by humans who don’t vote.
Occupied by starvation enforced poppy-ninny slavery.

Hitler, Tojo,
Bush and Obama.
Enduring Freedom then.
Enduring Freedom now.

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