Twenty Questions, by Devona Wyant

Devona Wyant

When did oil drilling become energy recovery?
When did putting people before profits become distorting the market?
When did the poor become economically disadvantaged?
When did very low food security replace hunger?
When did death become negative patient care outcome?
When did hiding the truth become lack of transparency?
When did denying your own words become “I may have misspoke”?
When did truthiness become close enough?
When did taxpayers replace citizens?
When did mercenaries become security contractors?
When did overthrowing a country become regime change?
When did a prisoner of war become a detainee?
When did torture become pain compliance?
When did killing your own soldiers become friendly fire?
When did killing civilians become collateral damage?
When did massive bombing become shock and awe?
When did genocide become ethnic cleansing?
When did lies become spin?
When did peace become pre-hostility?
When did all of the above become acceptable?

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